Rayoscan® VET is the high-end veterinary software module for the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0. After conducting an ECG-based energetic test, the veterinary therapist receives a comprehensive, cause-oriented therapy program for treating the animal.
Using the Rayoscan® VET, the initial step involves applying ECGElectrocardiografia sau electrocardiograma reprezinta o investigatie care permite inregistrarea semnalelor electrice ale inimii utilizata pentru screening ul, diagnosticul si monitorizarea evolutiei patologiilor de tip cardiac. Din punct de vedere medical,... pads or ECGElectrocardiografia sau electrocardiograma reprezinta o investigatie care permite inregistrarea semnalelor electrice ale inimii utilizata pentru screening ul, diagnosticul si monitorizarea evolutiei patologiilor de tip cardiac. Din punct de vedere medical,... clamps, along with a detectorThe frequencies and frequency spectra of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt are transmitted to the organism with the help of special, patented detectors. Fabric Detectors with stainless steel woven through..., to the animal. These components are then connected to the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0. The device then searches for the best ECGElectrocardiografia sau electrocardiograma reprezinta o investigatie care permite inregistrarea semnalelor electrice ale inimii utilizata pentru screening ul, diagnosticul si monitorizarea evolutiei patologiilor de tip cardiac. Din punct de vedere medical,... leadAn ECG lead is a method for recording the electrical activity of the heart. Electrodes are applied to the patient's skin to capture the electrical signals of the heart. These.... The frequencyThe frequency describes the number of oscillations per second and is given in the unit Hertz (Hz). An oscillation passes through various points: The starting point, the maximum point, the... spectra of 21 physiological areas are then applied to the animal’s body. The ECGElectrocardiografia sau electrocardiograma reprezinta o investigatie care permite inregistrarea semnalelor electrice ale inimii utilizata pentru screening ul, diagnosticul si monitorizarea evolutiei patologiilor de tip cardiac. Din punct de vedere medical,... analysis integrated into the biofeedback process identifies the physiological areas with the most significant energetic imbalances in approximately two minutes during the so-called Check-up Test. The areas are ranked according to their level of energetic disturbance, with the region experiencing the most significant disturbance receiving the highest priority. The appropriate RAH programs are then determined for the first physiological region, or for a physiological area selected by the therapist. The Detail Test takes about 15 minutes for a cat or dog and 30-45 minutes for a horse due to the much slower heartbeat.
The result is a comprehensive, cause-oriented therapy recommendation that can be harmonised using a Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 or at home using a Rayocomp PS 10 basic. The process control function of the software module can be used to display the progress of the animal’s therapy. The client management function allows users to store their veterinary patients in the client history of the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 VET.