Along with humans, animals such as dogs, cats and horses are increasingly suffering from intolerances, infections and chronic illnesses triggered by external stresses such as climate change, environmental toxins or electrosmogElectrosmog, cunoscut și sub denumirea de radiații electromagnetice, se referă la radiațiile neionizante generate de dispozitivele electrice și electronice și de tehnologiile de comunicații fără fir. Acestea includ liniile electrice.... Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt has a long and proven track record in veterinary medicine. It serves as a cause-oriented, energetic analysis and treatment system, providing painless and gentle support for the treatment of animals.
The Rayocomp PS 10 VET is the mobile bioresonance device for veterinary medicine. The Rayocomp PS 10 VET can be used to carry out a complete energetic check of the entire body of small, large and farm animals in order to obtain an energetic overview of the animal’s current state of health: The Rayocomp PS 10 VET can be used to energetically test organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys, as well as the musculoskeletal system and the psyche. Subsequently, a personalised therapy plan can be developed for the specific animal based on the test results.
The Rayocomp PS 10 VET is the ideal foundation for energetic analysis and harmonisationWhen frequency spectra are transmitted to the body via the patented detectors using Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt, this is known as harmonisation. Harmonisation refers to the process of.... You can add modules as you need them. Modules such as M11 RAH VET for analysis and harmonisationWhen frequency spectra are transmitted to the body via the patented detectors using Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt, this is known as harmonisation. Harmonisation refers to the process of... and, expanding on this, M6 RAH Global Test VET enable energetic testing and harmonisationWhen frequency spectra are transmitted to the body via the patented detectors using Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt, this is known as harmonisation. Harmonisation refers to the process of....