An energetic analysis using Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt can provide an overview of the fundamental frequency valuesIn Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, fundamental frequency values are used as single frequencies. They are assigned to organs, pathogens or diseases and can be adjusted, energetically tested and harmonised... most in need of harmonisationWhen frequency spectra are transmitted to the body via the patented detectors using Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt, this is known as harmonisation. Harmonisation refers to the process of.... These fundamental frequency valuesIn Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, fundamental frequency values are used as single frequencies. They are assigned to organs, pathogens or diseases and can be adjusted, energetically tested and harmonised... can be stored quickly and easily using Memory Cards and can be recalled at any time. If, for example, 85 resonance points are recorded during a range value testThe range value test is the personalised test in Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt and is used to determine energetically disturbed fundamental frequency values in the organism. A frequency band..., these can be stored on the Memory Card once the test has been completed. Should the client revisit the practice for additional harmonisations, the fundamental frequency valuesIn Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, fundamental frequency values are used as single frequencies. They are assigned to organs, pathogens or diseases and can be adjusted, energetically tested and harmonised... on the Memory Card can be loaded into the Rayocomp for immediate use. The same applies to treatment at home.
The Memory Cards can be erased and rewritten if required. It is also possible to create your own treatment programs from fundamental frequency valuesIn Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, fundamental frequency values are used as single frequencies. They are assigned to organs, pathogens or diseases and can be adjusted, energetically tested and harmonised... and save them on the Memory Card. There are four different types of Memory Cards, each with a different capacity. There are 50, 100, 200 and 500 capacity Memory Cards. The number indicates the maximum number of fundamental frequency valuesIn Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, fundamental frequency values are used as single frequencies. They are assigned to organs, pathogens or diseases and can be adjusted, energetically tested and harmonised... that can be stored.