In 1975, Paul Schmidt incorporated Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a complementary medical treatment method that goes back thousands of years to Chinese healing practices. TCM is based on five pillars: Acupuncture, medication, massage, exercise,... into the energetic application of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. The goal of TCM doctors and therapists has always been to strengthen the qi, or life energy, and remove energetic blockages to promote the even flow of qi throughout the organism. Through acupuncture oscillation therapyAcupuncture oscillation therapy combines the fundamental principles of acupuncture with the application of oscillations, and therefore frequencies. Rather than using needles, frequencies and frequency spectra are transmitted to specific acupuncture..., we have developed a treatment method that stimulates acupunctureAcupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing method in which thin needles are inserted into specific points on the body. These points are located along the meridians, the energy pathways within... meridians and points without the need for needles. This is achieved by employing precise frequencies for a non-invasive yet effective approach. This helps to dissolve qi blockages and bring the body back into balance.
The module acupuncture oscillation therapyAcupuncture oscillation therapy combines the fundamental principles of acupuncture with the application of oscillations, and therefore frequencies. Rather than using needles, frequencies and frequency spectra are transmitted to specific acupuncture... in the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 enables a swift assessment of acupunctureAcupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing method in which thin needles are inserted into specific points on the body. These points are located along the meridians, the energy pathways within... meridians. Following this test, the module recommends appropriate pairings of meridians for harmonisationWhen frequency spectra are transmitted to the body via the patented detectors using Bioresonance devices according to Paul Schmidt, this is known as harmonisation. Harmonisation refers to the process of.... Each point of a meridian can be examined and harmonised with the help of a graphical depiction.
With acupuncture oscillation therapyAcupuncture oscillation therapy combines the fundamental principles of acupuncture with the application of oscillations, and therefore frequencies. Rather than using needles, frequencies and frequency spectra are transmitted to specific acupuncture..., it is possible to sedate or tonify individual meridians and meridian points through the application of appropriate frequencies. The corresponding frequencies for stimulation are available for the meridian points of the 14 major meridians. The procedure is painless, avoiding any trauma to the meridian points, and the use of frequencyThe frequency describes the number of oscillations per second and is given in the unit Hertz (Hz). An oscillation passes through various points: The starting point, the maximum point, the... baselines eliminates the need to search for points.