Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt
Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt
Biorezonanța conform lui Paul Schmidt se bazează pe stimularea sistemelor celulare cu scopul de a sprijini autoreglarea în organism. Abordarea noastră terapeutică orientată pe cauze urmează un principiu natural, care poate fi ilustrat folosind exemplul luminii solare: Când lumina soarelui ajunge pe piele, componenta ultravioletă stimulează producerea de melanină și vitamina D. Impactul asupra organismului nu se limitează la spectrul luminii solare; sunt implicate și alte frecvențe. Până în prezent, am înregistrat peste 3 600 de spectre de frecvență, care sunt utilizate atât în analiza energetică, cât și în terapie.
Application of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt
Biorezonanța conform Paul Schmidt este cunoscută pentru dispozitivele sale ușor de utilizat, oferind un spectru larg de aplicații care le fac ușor adaptabile la diverse scenarii. Produsele noastre nu sunt utilizate doar în scopuri medicale, ci au mare succes și în domeniul veterinar. De asemenea, am dezvoltat soluții pentru wellness, biologia construcțiilor și medicina tradițională chineză pentru a ajuta o gamă largă de persoane prin testarea și armonizarea energetică.
Biography of Paul Schmidt
The inventor and namesake of Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt was born on 31 October 1922 in Altenhundem in the Sauerland region of Germany. His childhood was shaped by modesty and improvisation due to the early death of his father. Paul Schmidt’s technical aptitude eventually led him to study engineering. As an engineer, he initially worked on the development of agricultural machinery before founding his own company, Tracto-Technik. In addition to building the company, Paul Schmidt was actively involved in social and cultural activities, for which he was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The desire to help people led him to complementary medical approaches, which led to today’s Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. As early as 1975, Paul Schmidt discovered that each organ has its own frequencyThe frequency describes the number of oscillations per second and is given in the unit Hertz (Hz). An oscillation passes through various points: The starting point, the maximum point, the... or frequency spectrumFrequency spectra refer to combinations of fundamental frequency values that are not applied to the organism one at a time, but as a whole - as a frequency pattern. The... with which it can be stimulated. The engineer recognised the potential of bioresonance to promote the well-being and health of others. Seven years later, in 1982, he founded Rayonex Biomedical. The foundations laid by Paul Schmidt play a key role in the company’s innovations and continue to shape the development of complementary medicineComplementary medicine refers to a wide range of approaches and treatments that supplement conventional medicine. It includes a variety of treatment methods such as acupuncture, phytotherapy, osteopathy, massage, relaxation techniques... solutions for various healthcare professions in both the human and veterinary sectors, as well as for private users. Until his death on 2 September 1994, he remained true to his social commitment. He illustrated children’s books, which he would then donate to nurseries and schools.